Fall 2018 Course Offerings

@ MiT School

in Beaverton, Oregon

The following courses will be offered if minimum enrollment requirements are met.

Introduction to the art of computer programming, Level 1.

Tentatively scheduled for Saturdays, from 1-2 PM

This course is appropriate for students who have never programmed before and are comfortable typing, students who need more practice writing simple computer programs before attempting the more complex programs introduced in Level 2, and students ready to progress from a visual programming environment like Scratch to text-based programming languages like Java and JavaScript. In addition to gaining experience with one or two high-level programming languages, students will program a simulated mythical computer called TOY using raw machine code; they will also use JavaScript routines similar to assembly language instructions to load TOY programs into memory. More information about topics likely to be covered in class is available at https://errless.blogspot.com/p/pages.html.

Introduction to the art of computer programming, Level 2.

Tentatively scheduled for Saturdays, from 2-3 PM

This course builds on skills developed and content covered in Level 1. Students enrolling in Level 2 should be comfortable composing a Hello, World program in some high-level programming language and should be able to describe some basic programming concepts including variables, conditionals (if-then statements), and loops. Student will practice writing several simple computer programs in both high- and low-level languages. For example, they might learn to develop a routine that computes the value of a number raised to a power, outputs the first n terms of the Fibonacci sequence, or prints a list of prime numbers. Many of the fundamental topics covered in Level 1 will be reinforced, and new topics will be introduced such as bitwise operations, additional control flow statements and techniques (e.g. break statements), and composite data types.

Introduction to the art of computer programming using Java.

Designed for students interested in AP Computer Science A.
Tentatively scheduled for Saturdays, from 3-4:30 PM

This course is intended for mature middle-school age students who have programmed before as well as students who are taking or are considering take AP Computer Science A in high school. Topics covered in class will be directly related to the skills and knowledge students must possess to do well on the AP Computer Science A exam administered by the College Board. The pace of the class, breath of topics, and depth of coverage will depend on the background and interests of students enrolled in the class. Java will be the primary programming language.

@ Valley Catholic High School

in Beaverton, Oregon

The following courses are scheduled.