
I am tempted to parody Bruce Rogers’ parody
of Gelett Burgess’ ‘Purple Cow’ and say:

O yes, I made this raft of pages,
I’m sorry now I med’em,
But I can tell you what, good gracious!
I’ll bet you haven’t read ’em.



  1. Basic Concepts
    1. Algorithms
    2. Math
    3. About TOY
    4. Programming
  2. Information Structures
  3. Random Numbers
  4. Arithmetic
  5. Sorting
  6. Searching
  7. Combinatorial Searching
  8. Recursion
  9. Lexical Scanning
  10. Parsing Techniques
  11. Mathematical Linguistics
  12. Programming Language Translation


  1. Answers
  2. Bibliography
  3. Credits
  4. <dl>..</dl>
  5. Exercises
  6. Fun and Games
  7. Groups
  8. Hodge-Podge