Get Number Quiz

The Quiz

Date: 11 December 2018

The Prompt

Implement the following function.

/* Prompts the user: "How many points?"
 * Returns a non-negative integer.
 * Returns 0 if the user presses cancel or upper
 * is less than lower. Prompts again if the user
 * does not enter an integer between lower or zero
 * (inclusive, whichever is greater) and upper
 * (exclusive). If lower is not a number, lower
 * defaults to zero. If upper is not a number,
 * upper defaults to Infinity.
function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {

Mr. Spurgeon’s Answer

/* Prompts the user: "How many points?"
 * Returns a non-negative integer.
 * Returns 0 if the user presses cancel or upper
 * is less than lower. Prompts again if the user
 * does not enter an integer between lower or zero
 * (inclusive, whichever is greater) and upper
 * (exclusive). If lower is not a number, lower
 * defaults to zero. If upper is not a number,
 * upper defaults to Infinity.
function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {
 if (lower < 0 || !Number.isInteger(lower))
    lower = 0;
  if (!Number.isFinite(upper))
    upper = Infinity;
  if (upper < lower) return 0;
  const input = prompt("How many points?");
  if (input === null) return 0;
  const n = parseFloat(input);
  if (Number.isInteger(n) && n >= 0 && n < upper)
    return n;
  return getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper);


  1. Does the source code look neat and tidy?
  2. Do comments contain misspelled words or poor punctuation or capitalization?
  3. Is indentation used effectively?
  4. Are variables named well?
  5. Are constant variables used when the value of a variable should not change?
  6. Does the style of coding (e.g. capitalization) blend in well with the names of standard JavaScript methods and objects?
  7. Does the code always run without producing any errors?
  8. Does the code function correctly?
    1. Does the function ever return anything other than a non-negative integer?
    2. Does the function return 0 if the user presses cancel?
    3. Does the function return 0 if the value of upper is less than lower?
    4. Does lower default to zero if the value of lower passed to the function is not a number? (How can you tell?)
    5. Does lower default to zero if the value of lower passed to the function is less than 0? (How can you tell?)
    6. Does upper default to Infinity if the value of upper passed to the function is not a number? (How can you tell?)
    7. Does the function re-prompt if the value entered is not an integer between lower and upper?
      1. What happens if the value entered is a string like "abc"?
      2. What happens if the value entered is a floating point number like 3.14?
      3. What happens if the value entered is an integer equal to lower?
      4. What happens if the value entered is less than lower?
      5. What happens if the value entered is an integer equal to upper?
      6. What happens if the value entered is greater than upper?

Students’ Answers

Jaden’s Answer

/* Prompts the user: "How many points?"
 * Returns 0 if the user preses cancel.
 * Prompts again if the user does not enter an integer
 * between lower or zero (inclusive, whichever is
 * greater) and upper (exclusive). Returns a non-
 * negative integer. If lower is not a number,
 * lower defaults to zero. If upper is not a number,
 * upper defaults to Infinity.
function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {
  // Consider using:
  // prompt, parseFloat, Number.isInteger, Number.isFinite
  if (lower > upper) { return 0; }
  if (!Number.isInteger(lower)) { lower = 0; }
  if (!Number.isInteger(upper)) { upper = Infinity; }
  let points = prompt("How many points?"); 
  if (points == undefined || points == null) { return 0; }
  while (!isVaild(points,lower, upper)) {
   let points = prompt("How many points?"); 
   if (points == undefined || points == null) { return 0; }
  return points;

function isVaild(val, lower, upper) {
 val = parseFloat(val);
if (!Number.isInteger(val) || val < lower || val > upper || val < 0  ) { return false; }
return true

Khanh’s Answer

/* Prompts the user: "How many points?"
 * Returns 0 if the user presses cancel or upper is less
 * than lower.
 * Prompts again if user does not enter an integer
 * between lower or zero (inclusive, whichever is 
 * greater) and upper (exclusive). Returns a non-
 * negative integer. If lower is not a number,
 * lower defaults to zero. If upper is not a number,
 * upper defaults to Infinity.
function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {
  // Consider using: 
  // prompt, parseFloat, Number.isInteger, Number.isFinite
  if (upper < lower) {return 0};
  var num = prompt("How many points?")
  if (!Number.isInteger(lower)) lower = 0;
  if (!Number.isInteger(upper)) upper = Infinity;
  if (num == null || num == undefined) {
    return 0;
  else if (!Number.isInteger(parseFloat(num))) {
    alert("Please enter a non negative integer between lower and upper");
    getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper);
  else if (parseFloat(num) < 0 || parseFloat(num) < lower || parseFloat(num) > upper) {
    alert("Please enter a non negative integer between lower and upper");
    getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper);
  else {return num}
alert(getNumberOfPoints(10, 20));

Monisha’s Answer

/*Prompts the user: "How many points?"

* Returns 0 if the user presses cancel or upper is less

* than lower.

* Prompts again if user does not enter an integer

* between lower or zero (inclusive, whichever is

* greater) and upper (exclusive). Returns a non-

* negative integer. If lower is not a number,

* lower defaults to zero. If upper is not a number,

* upper defaults to Infinity


function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {

// Consider using:

// prompt, parseFloat, Number.isInteger, Number.isFinite


x = prompt("How many points?")

y = parseFloat (x, 2);

if (!Number.isInteger(lower)) lower = 0

if (!Number.isInteger(upper)) upper = Infinity;

if ( upper < lower) return 0; 

if (x == null || x == undefined) {

return 0; 



Shaw’s Answer

/*Prompt the user: "How many points?” 
*Returns 0 if the user presses cancle. *Prompt again if user does not enter an integer *between lower and zero (inclusive, whichever is *greater) and upper (exclusive). Returns a non- *negative integer. If lower is not a number, *lower defaults to zero. If upper is not a number, *upper defaults to Infinity. */ function getNumberOfPoints (lower, upper) { //Consider using //prompt, parseFloat, Number.isInteger, Number.isFinite } alert(getNumberOfPoints()); 
function getNumberOfPoints (lower, upper) { 
let x = prompt("how many points?"); if (x === null) alert ("0"); } alert(getNumberOfPoints());

Yuhao’s Answer

/* Prompts the user: "How many points?"
 * Returns 0 if the user presses cancel.
 * Prompts again if user does not enter an integer 
 * Between lower or zero (inclusive, whichever is
 * greater) and upper (exclusive). Returns a non-
 * negative integer. If lower is not a number,
 * lower defaults to zero. If upper is not a number,
 *upper defaults to Infinity
function getNumberOfPoints(lower,upper) {

let x = prompt("How many points?"); if (x === null) 
    alert ("0");
 if (x != Number.iInteger);
  prompt("How many points?")
 if (x < 0)
  //Consider using;
  //prompt, parseFloat, Number.iInteger, Number.isFinite

Cici’s Answer

/*Prompts the user:"How many points?"
 *Return 0 if the user presses cancal.
 *Prompt again if user does not enter an integer
 *Between lower or zero(inclusive, whichever is
 *greater) and upper(exclusive). Returns a non-
 *negative integer. If lower is not a number,
 *upper defaults to Infinity.
let x = window.prompt("How many points?");
if (x === null)
if (x != Number.isinteger)
  window.prompt("How many points?"); 
if (x < 1);

Anmita’s Answer

/*Prompts the user: "How many points?"
* Returns 0 if the user presses cancel or upper is less 
* han lower
* Prompts again if user does not enter an integer
*between lower or zero (inclusive, whichever is
*greater) and upper (exclusive). Return a non- 
*negative integer. If lower is not a number,
*lower defaults to zero. if upper is not a number, 
*upper defaults to Infinity
function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {
// consider using:
// prompt, parseFloat, Number.isInteger, Number.isFinite

function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {
if (x < 0 )
return prompt(x)
if ( X = 0 | x > 0 ) {
x = lower}
prompt (y)
if ( y = 0 | y > 0 ) {
y = upper}
let y = > 0
if ( y < x)
return 0;
// prompt, parseFloat, Number.isInteger, Number.isFinite

Ethan’s Answer

/* Prompts the user: "How many points?"
 * Returns 0 if the user presses cancel or upper is less
 * that lower.
 * Prompts again if the user does not enter an integer
 * between lower or zero (inclusive, whichever is
 * greater) and upper (exclusive). Returns a non-
 * negative integer. If lower is not a number,
 * lower defaults to zero. If upper is not a number,
 * upper defaults to Infinity.
function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {
  // Consider using:
  // prompt, parseFloat, Number.isInteger, Number.isFinite
  if (!Number.isInteger(lower)) {
 lower = 0;
  if (!Number.isInteger(upper)) {
 upper = Infinity;
  if (upper < lower) {
    return 0;
  var points = prompt("How many points?");
  if (points == null || points == undefined) {
    return 0;
  if (parseInt(points) < lower || parseInt(points) > upper) {
    alert("Please enter a non-negative integer between lower and upper");
  if (parseFloat(points) < 0) {
    alert("Please enter a non-negative integer between lower and upper");
  if (!Number.isInteger(parseFloat(points))) {
    alert("Please enter a non-negative integer between lower and upper");
    getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper);
  return points;
alert(getNumberOfPoints(10, 20));

Ishaan’s Answer

/* Prompts the user: “How many points?”'
 * Returns 0 if the user presses cancel.
 * Pompts again if user does not enter an integer
 * between lower or zero (inclusive, whichever is great) and upper(exclusive). Returns a non -
 * negative integer. If lower is not a number,
 * lower defaults to zero. If upper is not a number,
 * upper defaults to Infinity
function getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper) {
 let answer = prompt("How many points?")
 if(answer === null) {
  return 0 
 if(answer == undefined) {
  getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper)
 if(!Number.isInteger(parseFloat(answer))) {
 if(answer < lower || answer > upper)  {
  alert("That number is not within the defined limits")
  getNumberOfPoints(lower, upper)
  // Consider using:
  // prompt, parseFloat, Number.isInteger, Number.isFinite